The Club

  • Drama
  • Mystery
  • Thriller


In a secluded house in a small seaside town live four unrelated men and the woman who tends to the house and their needs. All former priests, they have been sent to this quiet exile to purge the sins of their pasts, the separation from their communities the worst form of punishment by the Church. They keep to a strict daily schedule devoid of all temptation and spontaneity, each moment a deliberate effort to atone for their wrongdoings.





  • Rangan

    A club for the rare kind, but nowadays the number rose.

    Sadly, this is the most boring film I have seen in the last 12 months. I have enjoyed many films what others called the worst film of the year. That means I love to take chances, but I was surprised for this which is the least liked by me from the year 2015.

    I usually respect films and filmmaking, so I thought to skip reviewing it than writing negatives about it, but then I thought I hadn't written much for the disliked films. Realised I should not go like this being neutral, because I collect my reviews and I wanted all kinds like good, bad, average for my basket.

    I never considered myself an atheist or a theist, just a form of a life on the planet earth, so it's nothing to...

    May 23, 2016
  • badelf

    It just goes to prove: If you want to make a film about the most sinful, unrighteous, corrupt, immoral, evil, nasty, dastardly, bastardly, nefarious, villainous, viscous people in the world - then you just make a film about religious people.

    November 23, 2021


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