Cape Fear

  • Crime
  • Thriller

Sam Bowden has always provided for his family's future. But the past is coming back to haunt them.

Sam Bowden is a small-town corporate attorney. Max Cady is a tattooed, cigar-smoking, Bible-quoting, psychotic rapist. What do they have in common? 14 years ago, Sam was a public defender assigned to Max Cady's rape trial, and he made a serious error: he hid a document from his illiterate client that could have gotten him acquitted. Now, the cagey Cady has been released, and he intends to teach Sam Bowden and his family a thing or two about loss.





  • Eky

    Meet Max Cady, the most terrific villain role De Niro ever played simply because he successfully portrayed a crook who possesses a very complex personality of being stone-cold, violent, absolutely merciless, also on the other hand quite witty and charismatic to ever lure Danielle Bowden (Juliette Lewis) into his trap when he pretended to be her drama teacher so convincingly. Martin Scorseses Cape Fear tells the story of a brutal rapist who waited for so long just to be able to avenge his wrath towards Attorney Sam Bowden (Nick Nolte) for he believed that Bowden could have done much better in defending for his case. This film is well-told with so many suspense elements through some shocking events throughout the film.

    Cape Fear is one of...

    June 19, 2012
  • FilipeManuelNeto

    A really very good movie, and proof that there are remakes that are really worth it for their quality and good execution.

    I've just seen this movie (which I've actually seen on television, but without paying enough attention to a movie I want to write something about) and once again I was very impressed. The truth is that, without wanting to legitimize the practice, which is often taken to exaggeration, there are remakes that manage to justify themselves, not only for the quality they demonstrate, but also for the gift, not to mention, of drawing the public's attention to the older movies. I can give my personal example: it was the contact with some remakes that made me know that there were older films and go looking for them to be a...

    July 2, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    "Cady" (Robert De Niro) is released from jail after serving eighteen years for rape. He alights on the doorstep of his erstwhile defending counsel "Bowden" (Nick Nolte) with his cigar and his red sports car and generally starts intimidating the man and his family. Why? Well it turns out that the lawyer had buried some evidence during the trial that may have cast doubt on the voracity of the evidence given by the victim - and so now, "Cady" has revenge in mind. Now I loved the 1962 version of this film - Robert Mitchum is superb - and so I was always a bit sceptical about this remake. No, this honestly isn't a patch on that version, but that's as much to do with it being in colour and with it featuring the really poorly cast Nick Nolte and J...

    May 15, 2023


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