Thong Girl 4: The Body Electric

  • Comedy

If You Do Wrong, You'll Answer To The Thong

Thong Girl must defeat the evil Electar, who is bent on destroying Music City with his new form of volatile electricity, while facing her own superhero insecurities.




  • GenerationofSwine

    Usually if a film entertains me, I'll give it a 10, and if it doesn't I'll give it a 1. Rarely is there an in between. Either it accomplished it's goal or it didn't.

    I'll give it a 2 for effort.

    The premise is, well, corny and stupid and that's is why people like me will turn it on. But...the jokes rarely, if ever, land and that's kind of a problem. Usually, for films like this I don't expect to laugh out loud, but I do expect to crack a grin every now and again.

    There's not even really a grinner of a joke, it's just filled with groaners.

    January 12, 2023


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