Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses

  • Action

Your're never too old to kick ass.

Vietnam vet Frank Vega now runs an East L.A. community center where he trains young boxers to survive in and out of the ring. But when his prize student falls in with the wrong crowd and turns up dead, Frank teams up with his pal Bernie to take matters into their own fists and prove that justice never gets old.





  • Dark Jedi

    The original Bad Ass was not really a bad movie. Not great but enjoyable. So I thought it would be worthwhile to watch the second one as well. Danny Trejo and Danny Glover certainly sounded like it could be a fun combination. Unfortunately this movie was a bit of a disappointment.

    The movie felt tired a lot of the time. Danny Trejo was not bad but Danny Glover never really felt like a bad ass and his fart jokes was definitely more bad taste than bad ass.

    The story was fairly whimsical and unintelligent. Some things were just poorly done. Like for instance Frank blowing up a chopper by throwing a hand grenade at it from a car. It was so poorly done that I just sat there thinking what the f? And then on the end where they kill (of cours...

    May 3, 2018


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