I watched this a while back, like, I think the Christmas before last, out of morbid curiosity, and I don't feel like rewatching the pissing Grumpy Cat movie just to write a review, so I'm entirely going from very vague memories here, but here goes. Since I can hardly remember it, I'll write this review as a list of assorted thoughts;
- Idk if Aubrey Plaza is meant to sound bored all the time because, well, grumpy IS the name of the character she's playing, or if she's just genuinely bored to be in this shit, because, well, this IS the Grumpy Cat movie
- There's a paedophilia joke towards the end. A euthansia joke at one point as well. Who are these jokes for? I can't imagine the type of person who would willingly and non-ironically watc...