Cabin Fever

  • Horror

You can't run from what's inside.

While staying at a remote cabin for a week-long vacation, a group of five college friends succumb to an infectious, flesh-eating disease.




  • John Chard

    Ouch! Ouch!

    My my, the most horrifying thing about this Cabin Fever remake is the vitriolic scorn poured on it by the horror hordes! It is in no way a great film, or even a particularly good one either, but to me it's no worse than a whole ream of other gore based horrors I have been bored by since the new millennium dawned.

    In my defence, I wasn't over enamoured with the original in the first place, so it was no big stretch for me to give this one a shot. It also obviously helped me that I haven't seen that original since the year it was released, so hazy memory and all that. What I got here was a pic full of blood and grue, sex and stereotypes, and poor acting. That is often the norm in the gore slasher genre of things...

    On the ...

    January 22, 2017
  • Ruuz

    Take the already not-the-great original movie, subtract 99% of the humour, gender-swap a single character and otherwise reel out a shot for shot remake. If that sounds worthwhile to you, I guess you could 2016's Cabin Fever a shot, but personally I'm still trying to figure out how (and more importantly why) this got made...

    Great soundtrack though.

    Final rating:½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid if possible.

    February 6, 2017
  • SoSmooth1982

    i dont understand why they made a remake. there was a 3rd sequel to this just 2 years prior to this one. i mean they pretty much copied dam near word for word of the original movie with minor changes. also scene for scene as the original. you had a decent cast here. you couldnt just come up with your own script. It was was really pointless to make this film other than stealing someone elses movie to make money off it.

    July 17, 2023


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