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  • Animation



      • Geronimo1967

        With her dog food box empty, save for a pesky beetle, an old lady has to head to the supermarket to get more supplies for her beloved pooch. Just as she is heading to the aisle, though, a special announcement tells them the stuff is reduced from 99 to 20 - but for an extremely limited time! There's a veritable stampede as she races to the shelf, and though she gets the last packet, the price has reverted. Not to be outdone, she tries to trick the store's state of the art payment system but what chance she will get away with it? I enjoyed this. Aside from showcasing just how far people will go to provide for their pets (sometimes at the expense of themselves), it also takes quite a humorous look at just how adept old ladies can be with a cou...

        January 19, 2025
