Christopher Lee looks like he'd raided Laurence Olivier's dressing room as he donned the bowl-cut wig and took on the role of the manipulative "Lico". He's got it into his head that he can marry the princess "Deianira" (Leonora Ruffo) and usurp the throne. Thing is, though, she is the love of the legendary "Hercules" (Reg Park) so he has to put her under a magic spell that will necessitate her hero heading to the depths of the Underworld to retrieve the "Apple of the Hesperides" to help restore her to her senses. Accompanied by his two friends "Theseus" (George Ardisson) and "Telemachus" (Franco Giacobini) off they set on a series of adventures set deep within the bowels of the Earth. Needless to say, the valiant warriors who keep the apple...