Theres a scene halfway through the film when Hobie Doyle (Alden Ehrenreich), a Western B-movie star, is cast in a fancy melodrama helmed by Laurence Laurentz (Ralph Fiennes). Doyle is hopelessly out of his element, hobbling about in his new suitthe switch was the studios idea in an effort to broaden Doyles appeal, much to Laurentzs dismay. Its not long before the two engage in a back-and-forth, Laurentz trying to get Doyle to pronounce Would that it twere so simple, and Doyle trying desperately to appease Laurentz. After a lengthy exchange, both are left exacerbated. Much later in the film, we catch a glimpse of the final version, where Doyle and Laurentz compromise with a much simpler: Itscomplicated.
Complicated is exactly whats at the...