Between Something & Nothing

  • Drama


After being accepted into a prestigious New England art school, sexy small-town Joe and townie mastermind Jennifer quickly join forces. They are determined to succeed on a campus over-populated with jaded mega-rich kids awash in trust funds, abortions, and drugs galore.




  • Geronimo1967

    I hate being negative about films that are to some extent autobiographical - but this film is not good. Tim Swain is "Joe" who arrives at the world renowned Rhode Island School of Design and swiftly develops a pretty unfathomable relationship with a local gay hustler "Ramon" (Gil Bar-Sela) as well as a close collegiate relationship with "Jenny" (Julia Frey) with whom he tackles the variety of wacky art assignments assigned by the school. The snags are plentiful; principally, though, how did he meet the hustler and why, despite very little by way of encouragement, does he fall for him - indeed, at times he is positively cruel to the poor sod? He lives in world of drugs and booze yet seems to need anonymous casual sex in order to be "himself"...

    July 21, 2023


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