The Friends of Eddie Coyle

  • Crime
  • Drama
  • Thriller

It’s a grubby, violent, dangerous world. But it’s the only world they know. And they’re the only friends Eddie has.

An aging hood is about to go back to prison. Hoping to escape his fate, he supplies information on stolen guns to the feds, while simultaneously supplying arms to his bank robbing chums.





  • John Chard

    Everybody oughta listen to his mother.

    Boston criminal Eddie 'Fingers' Coyle (Robert Mitchum) is in the mire, the cops have him bang to rights and he's facing a long stretch in the big house. However, if he turns informant he will keep out of poky...

    For far too long this film had been stuck hidden away in pirate hell, thankfully it finally saw the light of day and can be seen for all its glory. Peter Yates directs and Paul Monash adapts the screenplay from the George V. Higgins novel. Supporting Mitchum are Peter Boyle, Richard Jordan, Steven Keats and Alex Rocco. Music is by Dave Grusin and cinematography by Victor J. Kemper.

    It's a film noir lovers picture, a throw back to the halcyon days of the first wave of noir back in the ...

    February 25, 2016


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