It wasn't often that Marius Goring got to take centre stage with a part, but he does it here - and he does it quite well, too. He is the pernickety school master "Perrin" who finds his nose a little out of joint when he is saddled with new man "Traill" (David Farrar). This latter man is perfectly civil, but is also a man who speaks his mind and who isn't prepared to wait half an hour for a bath in the morning, or bother who reads "The Times" first either. "Perrin" finds this behaviour all a bit disrespectful and soon the pair at at loggerheads. Meantime, the headmaster "Moy-Thompson" (Raymond Huntley) is a bit of a stickler for authority, and an act of kindness from "Perrin" sets them on a collision course - one that engenders some sympathy...