Angel and the Badman

  • Western
  • Romance
  • Adventure
  • Action

He lived only for revenge...She lived only for his love!

Notorious shootist and womanizer Quirt Evans' horse collapses as he passes a Quaker family's home. Quirt has been wounded, and the kindly family takes him in to nurse him back to health against the advice of others. The handsome Evans quickly attracts the affections of their beautiful daughter, Penelope. He develops an affection for the family and their faith, but his troubled past follows him.




  • John Chard

    What about the Bible? You can't throw it away, that would be bad luck.

    Angel and the Badman is written and directed by James Edward Grant. It stars John Wayne, Gail Russell, Harry Carey, Bruce Cabot, Irene Rich, Lee Dixon and Stephen Grant. Music is by Richard Hageman and cinematography by Archie J. Stout.

    Quirt Evans (Wayne), a notorious gunman is hurt and on the run. Taken in by The Worth's, a Quaker family, Quirt forms a "special" bond with daughter Penelope (Russell). With the law and other badmen on his tail, will Quirt change his ways before it's too late?

    John Wayne's first film as a producer and star is also his most romantic. That's not to say it lacks action or Wayne's fine tuning of his macho image is halted, because th...

    February 9, 2017
  • Wuchak

    B&W John Wayne Western with romance (Gail Russell), action and interesting theme

    RELEASED IN 1947 and written & directed by James Edward Grant, Angel and the Badman is a Western starring John Wayne as a gunslinger in Arizona who finds temporary sanctuary with some pacifistic Quakers. And maybe love too with the beautiful daughter (Gail Russell). Bruce Cabot plays the gunmans nemesis while Harry Carey plays the aged-but-still-formidable marshal.

    Its too bad that this was shot in B&W because the locations are spectacular. Wayne was facing his 40th birthday when this was filmed, which is funny because the daughters mother (Irene Rich) keeps referring to how young he is. In any case, John was lean and relatively youthful-looking. O...

    February 12, 2018
  • Geronimo1967

    Now this is certainly one of the more characterful roles played by John Wayne. His portrayal of all-round bad egg "Quirt Evans" is mean and moody - if a little wooden at first. He is wounded and finds himself being cared for in the Quaker household of Gail Russell. Before long, those on his trail - including regular nemesis Bruce Cabot - show up and things take a turn for the more dangerous. He must now juggle the ways of old with his new-found affection for this girl who comes from a tradition that abhors the violent life he has led in the past - and he must ensure that they all survive, too! It's too long (100 mins) and though it does have some humour, charm - and a few action scenes - it does drag, especially when Wayne is off-screen.

    July 7, 2022


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