The Deep

  • Mystery
  • Thriller
  • Adventure

Is anything worth the terror of the Deep?

A pair of young vacationers are involved in a dangerous conflict with treasure hunters when they discover a way into a deadly wreck in Bermuda waters.





  • John Chard

    Stylish but sadly lacking any substance.

    No doubting that The Deep was a film hoping to cash in on the monster success of Jaws two summers previously. Written by Jaws author Peter Benchley, The Deep on the page is never fully realised here on the screen, and sadly the film never lifts itself out of standard adventure territory.

    From the onset it looked to be heading in the right direction, a great first hour of genuine intrigue and tension keeps the viewer interested, where we have ship wrecks, treasure, voodoo, a gorgeous locale, a gruff Robert Shaw and Jacqueline Bisset's wet t-shirt! but the film drifts onto formulaic sand and peters out like a damp squib (or should that be squid?).

    Lovely to look at (the underwater sequences ar...

    April 29, 2019
  • Wuchak

    Okay, but lackluster island/oceanic treasure-hunting adventure

    A vacationing couple in Bermuda (Nick Nolte & Jacqueline Bisset) comes upon a sunken WW2 ship whereupon they find an ampule of morphine, one of myriad aboard the wreck. This stirs up the interest of a Haitian drug dealer (Louis Gossett Jr.) and an old treasure hunter (Robert Shaw). Eli Wallach and Robert Tessier are on hand as friends of the old salt.

    The Deep (1977) was based on author Peter Benchleys follow-up to his mega-successful Jaws and was successful at the box office due to that momentum. However, its nowhere near great like that book/film. Similar oceanic adventure/thrillers include Into the Blue (2005), which is practically a remake of The Deep, and Fool...

    March 5, 2020


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