General Wang Sheng (Kun Shen) atacks a bandit camp and saves Xiaowei (Xun Zhou) who is a demon fox spirit that needs to feed on human hearts to keep her nice appearance. Wang Sheng brings her home and presents her to his wife Pei Rong (Vicky Zhao) that welcomes her and offers to keep her in her service. But Xiaowei falls in love with Wang.
Strange events then happen, including people disappearing or dying, so Pei Rong turns to a demon hunter, Pang Yong (Donnie Yen), who is tired of things and not of much help. He meets an inexperienced demon hunter, Xia Bing (Li Sun) who is very interested in the events, and thinks a chameleon demon is the cause of problems. It is indeed such a demon, Xiaoyi (Yuwu Qi) that is in love with Xiaowei and ki...