Kit Carson

  • Western
  • Romance

A MIGHTY SAGA OF PIONEER COURAGE...that gave the nation a new empire!

Frontiersman Kit Carson fights off Indian attacks on the trail to California.



  • Geronimo1967

    OK, so I will admit from the outset that I enjoyed this. Sure, it's an amalgam of loads of "Zorro" style stories but Jon Hall in the title role is engaging and turns in a decent performance as he has to deal with his fair share of baddies, intransigent army types (Dana Andrews), marauding Shoshone and romance (a rather stern looking Lynn Bari) as he tries to help the US Army find the most direct route to California where they have to deal with the Spanish who have no intentions of surrendering their claim to the territory. For the main part, it's an end to end cowboys and indians action movie with plenty of wagon encirclements and gun battles before an enjoyable siege with the evil C. Henry Gordon ("Gen. Castro) at the end. As ever, Ward Bo...

    June 23, 2022


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