No Other Land

  • Documentary


This film made by a Palestinian-Israeli collective shows the destruction of the occupied West Bank's Masafer Yatta by Israeli soldiers and the alliance which develops between the Palestinian activist Basel and Israeli journalist Yuval.





  • Geronimo1967

    Regardless of your position on the rights and wrongs of this Israeli/Palestinian conflict, there is no other conclusion to draw here but that the ordinary families living on the West Bank are being treated appallingly by the Israeli state. To see little more than adobe one-room houses bulldozed and domestic water pipes sabotaged is little short of outrageous and no wonder the troops were doing their best to stop filming. This documentary focuses on the struggles of Yuval and Basel as they try to prevent the destruction of their community as best they can. Their's is a peaceable fight - they have no guns or rockets, nor do they advocate their use. They just want to get on with their subsistence lives in peace. People can always argue about t...

    February 2, 2025
  • Brent_Marchant

    Regardless of how one views the ongoing volatility between Israelis and Hamas in Gaza, theres another little-known yet equally explosive crisis in the region that has been going on for far longer. This nearly 30-year-old conflict has been quietly but unsettlingly unfolding on the Palestinian Occupied West Bank involving parties not tied to the better-known current conflict, a confrontation that has not received nearly the same level of attention that is, until the release of this troubling film. Shot over the course of four years, the writing-directorial team of Yuval Abraham, Rachel Szor, Hamdan Ballal and Basel Adra have compiled this shocking documentary about the atrocities that have been relentlessly and mercilessly inflicted upon Wes...

    February 9, 2025
  • chandlerdanier

    A heartwarming portrait in hell. I feel as though this is a cool war movie with likeable characters constructing sweet shelters and surviving in horrible conditions. The unfortunate reality is overwhelming.

    March 7, 2025


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