Colossus: The Forbin Project

  • Science Fiction
  • Thriller

This is the dawning of the Age of Colossus (where peace is compulsory... freedom is forbidden... and Man's greatest invention could be Man's greatest mistake).

The U.S. has handed over control of its nuclear defense system to the Colossus supercomputer designed by scientist Dr. Charles Forbin. It soon becomes clear, that the now-sentient Colossus is far more intelligent than its creator realized—with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.




  • Nebraska

    This film is an overlooked classic. Very rarely seen on TV. It is both a science fiction tale and a Cold War drama.

    The United States creates a super computer to control its defence systems. This advanced machine has its own intelligence so that it can absorb the mass of data required to manage the nuclear arsenal. Dr Charles Forbin the creator of this computer called Colossus. Forbin is soon informed that there is another system created in the Soviet Union called Guardian and both computers start communicating with each other. The computers start dictating terms/ making demands of their human masters.

    Forbin is charged with stopping the machines before its too late. What is chilling is that the computers are far more smarter than t...

    February 7, 2017


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