Exodus: Gods and Kings

  • Adventure
  • Drama
  • Action

Once brothers, now enemies.

The defiant leader Moses rises up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses, setting 400,000 slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of deadly plagues.





  • Rangan

    This is a well known story and I have also seen the '56 movie 'The Ten Commandments'. So in this film could not foresee the modification, but it did in a slight manner like the later 'Noah' movie. The best part was the visuals, the graphics were so good, hard to resist the pleasure if you are vfx geek like me. That's the reason I love modern movie, especially remake of a classic like 'King Kong'. The problem in this flick was lie in the story telling.

    As we know, Ridley Scott is an excellent narrator, but this movie was too short even though it ran 150 minutes. I felt it was just a brief, I mean there were no details or depth in the important scenes. You will know what I'm saying if you had watched '56 movie I mentioned in a above paragr...

    April 3, 2015
  • Dark Jedi

    This movie was rather disappointing as far as I am concerned. The original story has been rewritten rather drastically. This in itself do not bother me too much. I am not one of those fanatics that get a fart stuck the wrong way if someone messes with the holy bible. However, I really do not think this was a good rewrite. A lot of the magical moments had been removed and that took away a lot from the story.

    The movie starts off good enough with some nice and fairly impressive battles. Then it slows down a lot and sometimes I got a get on with it damn it feeling. When we finally got around to the burning bush part I got rather underwhelmed. God as a vengeful kid? Come on!

    The disasters and the special effects are not too shabby but the...

    July 26, 2015


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