If this is meant as a sequel to the 1967 Yongary movie then it has to be one of the worst sequels ever. The acting is so bad and even the story rips of Godzilla 98 which is also one of the worst movies ever made.
The only good thing about this is the alien spaceships look kinda cool, in a Starship Troopers way. The monster design would be so badass if it wasn't really really bad CGI, if they had used suitmation or had the CGI of today's movies it would be very cool looking, but they didn't use a suit at all just poor graphics that make me wanna hurl.
This is no Fred 3 but this is one of the worst things ever made. It's like an Asylum Studios movie but if they mockbusted Godzilla 98. They even ripped off the "monster stomps on the guy"...