The Haunted Castle

  • Fantasy
  • Horror


In a medieval castle, a dark magician thought to be Mephistopheles conjures up a series of bizarre creatures and events in order to torment a pair of interloping cavaliers.




  • SteveMcQueen36

    According to Wikipedia in August of 2011, Le Manoir du diable by Georges Melies is the first horror movie. Well, actually its a short film (about three minuets or so) but film was really hard to come by in that time so this counts as a film to me.

    The plot of the film is basic, you have your hero being tormented by demonic things in a crazy castle room... However, that plot isn't what brought the crowds. The thing that drove the popularity of these films was the fact that you were seeing motion on screen. I suggest going and seeing Hugo. That film is spectacular. It answered so many questions that I had. It really sets the scene and the tone.

    The film has strong christian overtones and actually ends with Christianity prevailing over t...

    February 21, 2017
  • BrimmingTeacup

    One of the first ever technical horror movies. While the term "horror" until the 30's, this can be considered one of the first of the genre. Hard to say if this or A Nightmare is the first film, but they do both use the same kind of jump cuts, and special props. Georges Melies is honestly crazy talented of an illusionist. I more or less covered this in my review for his film A Nightmare, but it is just so fun to see how some talents that are viewed as just basic nowadays were first ever developed.

    June 10, 2024


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