
  • Horror
  • Science Fiction
  • Fantasy


Frankenstein, a young medical student, trying to create the perfect human being, instead creates a misshapen monster. Made ill by what he has done, Frankenstein is comforted by his fiancée; but on his wedding night he is visited by the monster.



  • SteveMcQueen36

    Frankenstein from 1910 was one of the first ever incarnations of the Monster that we have seen on film. This quite possibly might be one of the best versions of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein. Adapted in 1910 by director J. Searle Dawley with Thomas Edisons company, The Edison Group. This film follows the life of Dr. Frankenstein leaving for college and subsequently creating one of the greatest monsters of all time. Personally i believe this version of Frankenstein to be one of the scarier looking versions of his monster.

    Two years into college Dr. Frankenstein plays god, creating life single handily. The life that he creates, however, is evil and haunts the good Doctor for the rest of the film. From the laboratory all the way to wherever Fr...

    February 22, 2017


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