Using the baronial Traquair House in the Scottish borders and a fair smattering of Jacqui McShee's dulcet tones, Roddy McDowall attempts to re-create a story from 16th century folklore about a magical Queen of the Fairies who surrounds herself with youth and beauty. He's time-shifted the scenario to the 1960s though, and it's the enigmatic "Micky" (Ava Gardner) who is doing the alluring. Top of her target list is the handsome young "Tom" (Ian McShane) but fairly quickly you gather that his is bit of a transitory role in the life of his lover. What she isn't used to, though, is competition - and that comes in the form of local minister's daughter "Janet" (Stephanie Beacham). With most of her acolytes desperate to stay in favour and enjoy all...