"Ramon" (Rudolph Valentino) is a spoilt little rich boy, bored of his life of banal glittering soirées with glamorous wallflowers. Shortly after we meet him, though, he is praying for that peaceable life after he finds himself coming to on a freighter carrying coal. This cargo was notoriously risky as it was prone to catching fire and producing a lethal gas and when, dead on cue, this happens - the cowardly crew abandon the ship leaving him behind. Luckily (or not?) the ship is soon boarded by another crew which leaves him and his surviving shipmate "Moran" (Dorothy Dalton) at the mercy of the ruthless "Capt. Kitchell" (Walter Long) who's aptly nicknamed "Slippery"! What we now realise is that the tomboyish "Moran" isn't actually a boy at a...