Adventures of Captain Fabian

  • Adventure
  • Drama
  • Romance

The flaming loves ... the fighting fury ... of a swashbuckling captain of a crew of rogues !

It all begins with the discreet romance between the Creole maid Lea Mariotte and her young boss, George Brissac, an amoral bourgeois who plans to inherit his uncle's fortune and marry a young woman from a good family. After an incident where she kills a man, she is saved from the gallows by Fabian, a ship's captain, who has personal reasons for antagonizing the Brissacs. He takes care of her and falls in love with her, but doesn't tell her. She, in turn, takes the opportunity to return to her lover Brissac's arms, forcing him to marry her after seeing him murder his uncle.



  • FilipeManuelNeto


    This is another of the films that Errol Flynn made during the 50s, a decade that corresponds to the physical and artistic decline of the actor. Increasingly sidelined by American studios, he settled in Europe. This film was filmed in France, and is the result of a partnership between Flynn and director William Marshall, with much of the script written by Flynn himself.

    The story is a romantic drama set in New Orleans, during the years preceding the American Civil War, and shows the downfall of an important and wealthy family in the city. It all begins with the discreet romance between the Creole maid Lea Mariotte and her young boss George Brissac, an amoral bourgeois who plans to inherit his uncle's fortune and marry a y...

    September 7, 2022


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