Miracle on 34th Street

  • Comedy
  • Drama
  • Family

Capture the spirit of Christmas with this timeless classic!

Kris Kringle, seemingly the embodiment of Santa Claus, is asked to portray the jolly old fellow at Macy's following his performance in the Thanksgiving Day parade. His portrayal is so complete that many begin to question if he truly is Santa Claus, while others question his sanity. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation in 2009.





  • narrator56

    This is one of the classic holiday pics I will watch every year if it is available to me (Oh no; he said holiday instead of Christmas. Blasphemy!) So I will neither pick it apart nor praise it to the heavens. The story writing is strong and the ensemble cast do a good job. The fact that it has been redone so many times speaks for itself. I wont even try to compare it to the other versions. Instead, as I read in the Pearls Before Swine comic strip, The floot-floot did a boom-boom on the jim-jam. (Another way of saying It is what it is.)

    December 26, 2021
  • Geronimo1967

    I suppose if anyone was ever to play the definitive Santa Claus, then it would have had to be Edmund Gwenn. The glint in his eye, the smile and the avuncular look all lends itself so very well to this tale of the Christmas nay-sayers! Set in the toy department of the legendary Macy's toy store in New York, we meet this character who steps in to help out at the city's famous parade after their existing "Santa" gets a bit too inebriated. An instant success with the crowd, he is hired to run the shop's grotto and soon sales are going through the roof. It turns out that he is none too loyal though, and when news reaches his bosses that he is advising the parents where better deals on their gifts can be obtained, things look a bit precarious - o...

    December 3, 2022


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