Star Trek: Section 31

  • Science Fiction
  • Adventure
  • Action

To protect the light, they fight in shadow.

Emperor Philippa Georgiou joins a secret division of Starfleet tasked with protecting the United Federation of Planets and faces the sins of her past.




  • batchelorjt

    I was so excited because this movie is based on two rich sources of Star Trek lore, Emperor Philippa Georgiou, and Section 31. What a let down. This movie is an insult to Star Trek fans everywhere. It fails at every level.

    January 26, 2025
  • Brent_Marchant

    As a lifelong diehard Star Trek fan, I find it almost unfathomable to think that I would end up writing something negative about a franchise with which I have long been so deeply enamored until now. The Paramount+ networks first effort at creating a standalone Trek feature film is, to be honest, dreadful. Section 31 is a picture with so many problems that its hard to know where to begin. For starters, the narrative is so convoluted that its difficult to follow without taking notes or constantly hitting the rewind button. In large part, thats probably because the creators of this mess dont appear to know what story or what kind of story they want to tell. There are allusions to so many different contributing influences that its hard to ke...

    January 27, 2025
  • MovieGuys

    Decent sets and quality special effects, not to mention a capable actress, in the form of Michelle Yeoh, can't make up for the glaring shortcomings in this latest Trek offering.

    The core script of "Section 31" has been done a thousand times before, in one form or another, which is not, in and of of itself, unforgivable. Regrettably, though, on this occasion, the story lacks direction, a semblance of credibility and simple logic.

    Yes, sci fi is fantasy, you can go wild but the premise still needs to be believable, if the audience is to invest in it. In this instance, I found little to compel me to invest in the tale being told and the characterisations. The latter felt shallow, forcing the actors to over act, in an attempt to compens...

    January 28, 2025
  • misubisu

    What a load of rubbish. I can't believe that someone at Paramount said, "yes, this is worth airing".

    What an embarrassment!

    March 6, 2025
  • Geronimo1967

    Well I think its hats off to all on-screen here who must have to stand around for ages in their CGI suits waiting for the computer to insert them, hologram-style, into the artificially created scenarios that dog this drivel from start to finish. And if the title of empress was good enough for Catherine the Great and Victoria, then why not for Philippa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh)? Anyway, shes been driven from her dimension and forced to join the elite division of Starfleet thats been concocted to keep us all safe from problems that were usually initiated by that self same exploratory/interfering body in the first place. So quickly we encounter our first and biggest problem here, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the original or subsequent S...

    March 13, 2025


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