Nobody is Crazy

  • Drama
  • Fantasy

Rafa met a crazy guy who claims to time travel

Rafa is a lonely teenager with OCD and his overwhelmed mother insists on giving him professional help or he will end up in a military school. Faced with the situation, he agrees to visit a self-help group where he meets a somewhat eccentric masked guy who states to be a time traveler. Rafa begins the search to find out if the young guy is who he says he is and came from the past or is simply a mental patient who escaped from an asylum.




  • Nepento

    Nobody Is Crazy Film Review Critic: William Hemingway Posted on: 8 Apr 2022

    Time travel is tricky stuff. It twists your melon man; especially when you're trying to deal with actual quantum physics and not just that cutesy Grandfather paradox/alternate timeline junk that they sell you in films and on TV. As Nobody (Arioni) in Federico J Arioni's film Nobody Is Crazy/Nadie Esta Loco is fond of quoting from Ecclesiastes: What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun. And this, believe it or not, actually helps make things a lot easier to understand.

    Nobody's (and Ecclesiastes') point is that nothing can be changed. Through past, present and future, all that h...

    December 3, 2022


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