John Chard
I have been a coward and I wasnt happy.
The best cinematic treatment of A.E.W. Masons novel is here, a rousing and moving tale of a military man who is branded as a coward by those closest to him. Receiving four feathers as a sign of cowardice, Howard Faversham is inspired to go redeem himself in the eyes of his peers during the Mahdist War 1895.
Zoltan Korda throws everything but the Kitchener sink at the production.
1939 was a stellar year for cinema, arguably the greatest ever. Action/Adventure film fans were treated royally this year, with the likes of "Beau Geste", "Gunga Din" and "The Four Feathers" to whet the appetites. The latter is a top line production, a Technicolor spectacle of derring-do and manly codes such as brave...