
  • Action
  • Crime
  • Thriller
  • Drama

Their crime is curiosity.

Along with his new friends, a teenager who was arrested by the US Secret Service and banned from using a computer for writing a computer virus discovers a plot by a nefarious hacker, but they must use their computer skills to find the evidence while being pursued by the Secret Service and the evil computer genius behind the virus.





  • DoryDarko

    God, this movie is bad. And it's so much fun I can hardly stand it. Reasons why you should watch Hackers, in no particular order:

    • A steaming 20-something Angelina Jolie,
    • A bleach-blonde Jonny Lee Miller (hubba hubba),
    • An ever awesome Matthew Lillard, who cranked his Lillardness up to 11,
    • A duo of DJ/hackers named Razor and Blade (feel free to cry),
    • An awesome and totally cliché GenX soundtrack,
    • "It's 1995 so we have to make an Eddie Vedder reference" (and it's totally awesome),
    • Fisher Stevens who acts out his entire part as if he's on steroids,
    • Did I mention Angelina Jolie?

    Does this movie have any basis in any realm of conceivable realism? Nope. Is this even what actual hacking looks like? Oh puh-lease! Is...

    February 21, 2017
  • tmdb15435519

    Outdated and more than a bit quirky, but a fun watch and a film that I honestly thought was hilarious.

    May 4, 2021


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