The Eternal Memory

  • Documentary


Augusto and Paulina have been together for 25 years. Eight years ago, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Both fear the day he no longer recognizes her.





  • Geronimo1967

    Filmed during the COVID lockdown, this really is a poignant and affecting love story. We are introduced to Augusto Gongora and his wife Paulina Urrutia. The former was an accomplished television journalist in Chile during it's frequently turbulent times, she an acclaimed actress and they have, by 2023, been married for a quarter of a century. What we discover quickly is that he is suffering from Alzheimer's and as the pair continue through the life, both dread what they know to be coming: the day when he will no longer know who she is. This is one of those rare documentaries where the actuality of the political trouble and strife actually serve to deliver us a bit of a breather from the intensity of this most human of stories as the couple ...

    January 15, 2024
  • Brent_Marchant

    Its been said that one of the most cherished hopes for a loving relationship is that its partners inevitably have someone with whom they can grow old together, a time when they can warmly look back on their time as a couple with fondness and treasured memories. But what happens when something occurs that threatens to steal those precious recollections? Thats one of the tragedies that can come with various forms of dementia, such as Alzheimers Disease, a condition that seriously endangered the long-term loving partnership of renowned Chilean author/journalist Augusto Góngora and his wife, actress and former Minister of Culture Paulina Urrutia. But, rather than seeking seclusion in the wake of that diagnosis, Góngora insisted on making his st...

    February 8, 2024


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