The life of Jeanne Bécu, who was born as the illegitimate daughter of an impoverished seamstress in 1743 and went on to rise through the Court of Louis XV to become his last official mistress.
Very much in the vein of the recent "Versailles" and "Marie Antoinette" serialisations, this rather opulent drama shows us a little of the excesses and ridiculousness of court life in 18th century France. This time, it's Jeanne Bécu (Maïwenn) who is the shrewd young woman who quickly learns how to use her "charms" to get on in life. Eventually, she is noticed by the ambitious Count du Barry (Melvil Poupaud) who is friends with the Duc de Richelieu (Pierre Richard) who happens to be a procurer of fun for King Louis XV (Johnny Depp). Nervously introduced, she pours a little scorn on the silliness of court protocol and provides him with quite a refreshingly honest companion. Of course, his daughters immediately take offence and the arrival of ...