The Day the Earth Stood Still

  • Drama
  • Science Fiction
  • Thriller

We thought the Earth was ours. We were wrong.

A representative of an alien race that went through drastic evolution to survive its own climate change, Klaatu comes to Earth to assess whether humanity can prevent the environmental damage they have inflicted on their own planet. When barred from speaking to the United Nations, he decides humankind shall be exterminated so the planet can survive.





  • xerxes2020

    Terrible remake, original vastly superior

    August 10, 2015
  • Wuchak

    Intriguing, Spiritual, Insightful, Moving

    "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (2008) is an intriguing, powerful and even moving modern sci-fi blockbuster. I particularly like the symbolism: Klaatu=Christ, GORT=YaHWeH, as well as the numerous biblical references: Noah's Ark, the death plague, human beings trying to put God in a box literally, the sacrificial nature of agape love, etc. In other words, the film tackles subjects of great depth that every human being can relate to whatever their belief system. This itself separates it from the usual idiotic blockbuster fare.

    Now let me address some common criticisms (please see the film first before reading further due to SPOILERS):

    The kid is initially quite annoying but this is...

    November 28, 2019


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