Empire of the Sun

  • Drama
  • History
  • War

To survive in a world at war, he must find a strength greater than all the events that surround him.

Jamie Graham, a privileged English boy, is living in Shanghai when the Japanese invade and force all foreigners into prison camps. Jamie is captured with an American sailor, who looks out for him while they are in the camp together. Even though he is separated from his parents and in a hostile environment, Jamie maintains his dignity and youthful spirit, providing a beacon of hope for the others held captive with him.





  • themoviediorama

    Empire of the Sun glaringly shines insight into the impoverished wealthy amidst war-torn China. Spielberg is one of a handful of directors that everyone acknowledges. Whether your interest lies with films or elsewhere, he is known to all for his eclectic filmography that tackles nearly every single genre available. The beauty of his directorial talents, is that he can manipulate any subject matter and transform its contents into an accessible piece of entertainment. From hard-hitting crime capers (The Sugarland Express) to the depiction of African-Americans succumbing to racial/sexist abuse (The Color Purple). He has the ornate ability to disassemble history and shape the remnants into his Hollywood mould. But at what cost?

    Does Spielber...

    January 16, 2020
  • Wuchak

    Even great people have a dud on occasion

    A British boy (Christian Bale) living with his wealthy parents in Shanghai is separated from them when Japanese forces invade in the early years of WW2. He then has to survive the war in a POW camp. John Malkovich, Miranda Richardson, Nigel Havers and Joe Pantoliano play fellow prisoners.

    Based on J.G. Ballards semi-autobiographical novel, Empire of the Sun (1987) was Steven Spielbergs first venture into meaningful filmmaking. Its not without historical interest. For instance, the beginning situation in China is compelling, highlighted by a potent slap scene that wakes the pompous kid up to reality.

    From there, though, the movie becomes a tedious prison camp flick with too many ambi...

    August 15, 2020


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