Under Paris

  • Thriller
  • Horror
  • Action
  • Mystery

Watch out before swim.

In the Summer of 2024, Paris is hosting the World Triathlon Championships on the Seine for the first time. Sophia, a brilliant scientist, learns from Mika, a young environmental activist, that a large shark is swimming deep in the river. To avoid a bloodbath at the heart of the city, they have no choice but to join forces with Adil, the Seine river police commander.





  • MovieGuys

    Under Paris is rather ridiculous French Jaws wannabe.

    Whilst this production is loaded down with the predictable woke tropes I've come to expect from Netflix productions, what really caught my attention was how idiotically implausible the story is.

    In the opening scene a group of male divers is tasked with investigating predation at a oceanic rubbish site, that's ensnared dolphins and other dead, sea life. Sharks soon turn up leading to the presence of a female shark, the scientific group have been monitoring.Inexplicably the shark has essentially doubled in size, leading their all knowing female boss to ask the divers to take "a sample" from the monster for study, rather than following the sane and reasonable path of fleeing in t...

    June 6, 2024


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