The Saint

  • Thriller
  • Action
  • Romance
  • Science Fiction
  • Adventure

Never reveal your name. Never turn your back. Never surrender your heart.

Simon Templar (The Saint), is a thief for hire, whose latest job to steal the secret process for cold fusion puts him at odds with a traitor bent on toppling the Russian government, as well as the woman who holds its secret.





  • Dark Jedi

    This is not really a The Saint movie as far as I am concerned. It has very little resemblance to the Simon Templar that we got to know in the TV-series starring Roger Moore in the lead role. I have not read the books so I do not know how well the movie actually relates to the books but I have to say that I was a little disappointed to see a Simon Templar that was not reallyhim.

    I have never really been a huge fan of Val Kilmer and I do not really think he is the best match for the role. But then, as I wrote, I really do not see this as a Simon Templar movie anyway so. Elisabeth Shue is totally unbelievable as a scientist. I know they had to pick someone reasonably good-looking to satisfy the script but still, she just doesnt cut it as a ...

    July 2, 2014
  • Kamurai

    Good watch, would watch again, and can't confidently recommend.

    This movie is definitely dated. Val Kilmer was still riding on "I was Batman" and a bunch of Hollywood actors had decided to have a go at being the next action (/spy) guy, and I think it was to try to knock Tom Cruise out of his position (like that worked).

    This international spy of mysterious origin, even with an entire backstory as a prelude in the beginning of the movie, just so happens to be targeting "cold fusion", so we get a sci-fi edge.

    The person that happens to make the most plausible progress on cold fusion just happens to be a "stunningly beautiful woman", Elisabeth Shue, with a heart condition to top everything off.

    The actual movie experience was good...

    July 21, 2020
  • JPV852

    By no means a great movie but for some reason have been drawn to this one, seeing it 3-4 times over the years. For the most part entertaining though the dialogue was pretty bad, however I like Val Kilmer in the lead and shares some nice scenes with the lovely Elisabeth Shue. 3.5/5

    June 2, 2021
  • depost83

    Absolutely love this movie. I find it charming, alluring and I seem drawn to it when the weather gets cooler, which probably has something to do with much of the film's setting in Moscow. Kilmer's role almost feels like that of a super hero, with a childhood trauma that still haunts him. The beautiful and vulnerable Elizabeth Shue complements the confident Kilmer. The villains are fun to despise, and the action scenes feel more fun because everyone is freezing their butts off while the viewer is comfortable on their recliner. It makes me nostalgic for this near-millennium period of filmmaking, which for whatever reason also brings to mind films like Sabrina (call me crazy).

    October 13, 2023
  • FilipeManuelNeto

    One of the worst espionage films of all time, in my opinion.

    Anyone who saw the original series, from the 60s, with Sir Roger Moore in the lead role (he later took on the character of another charming secret agent, James Bond, who made him world-famous), will never forget it. It was arguably one of the best-made European series of that time, and was a huge success. I've never seen it all, although I'd like to, especially because I'm not that old. I saw some episodes released on TV channels dedicated to old programming, and I recognize that there is no way to compare the original product with this film, which is much inferior.

    Technically, the film seeks to make everything that was most advanced available to the production, but it ...

    December 26, 2023


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