Russian Doll

  • Comedy
  • Drama

All aboard the crazy train.

Nadia keeps dying and reliving her 36th birthday party. She's trapped in a surreal time loop -- and staring down the barrel of her own mortality.




  • Splinter

    We watched one and a half episodes last night, which is about as much as I could bear before cringing and stabbing my eyes out.

    Not one single character was likeable or possessed any redeeming features. In fact, each was a one dimensional cardboard cut-out.

    The protagonist was simply irritating and I was hoping that she would just stay dead and not come back, to be honest. It was all just so pretentious, badly executed and not a patch on Groundhog Day, which grabs you from the start and is also very humorous. This is neither humorous or hooks you, at least for me.

    April 29, 2019
  • narrator56

    There is a great temptation, which many succumb to, to not only compare this series to Groundhog Day, but to rate it according to how they believe Russian Doll fared against Groundhog Day. Indeed, leading up to watch it, based on the previews, I was thinking in those terms. But I was mistaken to fall into that trap.

    Groundhog Day is a romantic comedy, played almost entirely for laughs. There is an obvious comparison to be made here, with the protagonist (plural in Russian Doll) reliving the same day over and over again. But I felt Russian Doll had more depth. It wasnt just magic like it was in Groundhog Day that caused their day to re-start every time they fell asleep at midnight or died (mostly by suicide) to escape the magic setting. I...

    August 29, 2020


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