The Dragon Prince

  • Animation
  • Action & Adventure
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy




  • JoelArhin

    I really love this series absolutely a wonderful series

    August 6, 2020
  • DallasBob

    The Dragon Prince...what can be said about it? A lot.
    Never have I seen the liberal agenda operate so consistantly seemless since the Little Mermaid's release date. The amount of social inconsistances portrayed under the guise of this being fictional animation is astounding!

    You know what this reminds me of when I see an agenda played out in this manner? It reminds of reading books that are the source material as opposed to seeing the book made into a movie for the big screen. There is sooooo much more shock n' awe in the books than you'll ever get from the movie. But here in this animation they (the liberal studio) took that concept and ran with it!! Bravo.

    Here you have a coming of age boy, who is (stifled sniggering) th...

    July 20, 2021
  • Sejian

    I'm writing this very short review based on memory in order to offset the "ZOMG I SEE COMPETENT FEEEEMAILS ON SCREEN AND MY BRAIN IS MELTING!" drivel that passes for reviews on this website.

    Seasons 1 to 3 are good. It wasn't on the level of Arcane season 1 but it was good enough to earn my high rating and "favorite" star.

    I cannot fully remember why but season 4 was so much trash it made me lose all interest in it. So much so that I didn't even notice season 5 released until literally the time of writing this.

    I'll watch season 5 at some point and update this review. For now the high rating will remain, but The Dragon Prince reminds me of RWBY - it started off strong then dropped the ball so bad that I can't be bothered to keep up...

    May 23, 2024


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