
  • Drama
  • Mystery


In 1994, a toddler disappeared from a small Welsh village, never to be seen again. 23 years later, in London, the mother of rising cello star Matilda Gray commits suicide, without apparent reason. Among her possessions, Matilda discovers tantalising evidence, linking her mother to the Welsh girl's disappearance all those years ago.




  • Bertaut

    Clichéd and derivative nonsense

    Even if we say we are not, we are all fascinated by the possibility of another dimension. The mystery of life is riveting. We are all searching for the answers to the Great Unknowns. It's a very human quest; why are we here? Where are we? We are always trying to explain and rationalise things that's a human impulse. Science will take us to a certain point, and we're relieved about that. But then something else will leap out of the bottle, and we can't explain it. In Requiem_, Matilda is searching for her identity. But on a larger level, it's about_ how we are all looking for our place in the universe.

    • Tara Fitzgerald; "Requiem: The Cast Interviews"; Ginger Nuts of Horror (January 24, ...
    April 9, 2019


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