Killing Eve

  • Crime
  • Drama




  • Bazzjazz

    Killing Eve is mediocre at best. Some very far-fetched plot holes. The acting is very weak and hammy at times . After watching 4 episodes I started asking myself Why am I watching this? And couldnt answer it!

    Theres better ways to waste time!

    May 9, 2018
  • offscreenbabble

    One of My Favorite Shows of 2018

    The show is great for a number of reasons but the biggest reason is it's character building. The show does a very good job of pulling the viewer in with its aesthetics, locations, and humor but Eve and Villanelle are amazing characters.

    Ultimately, it is a "Cat and Mouse" story that comes across as fresh and new. You will find yourself falling in love with Villanelle and rotting for Eve to catch her. Listen to our full review on the Offscreen Babble podcast wherever you listen to podcasts.

    June 1, 2018
  • Thespear

    This show hits the sweet spot between Spy Mystery adventure and Comedic thriller. The main characters are so boldly drawn and some of the action and plots so fantastical that the viewer would be forgiven for continually thinking...satire. Yet, the series stays true to a "real life" plot which it wants you to take seriously. Jodie Comer does a fantastic job of getting us into the mind of this off kilter psychopathic killer. Eventually, I think we do understand Villanelle who turns out to be the show's real protagonist. I'm not sure if Sandra Oh choice as Eve Polastri was a genius casting decision or an epic mistake. Either way, she did an excellent job as first a foil then a lost soul. The others, as I said before, seemed properly over the t...

    August 28, 2020
  • rsanek

    Really rough. Don't like either of the main characters, but especially so Eve herself. There's also some serious over-acting going on.

    July 11, 2024


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