While You Were Sleeping

  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Drama

That future, that time, that fate, can it be changed?

Burdened with visions of the future in their dreams, a young woman and two men try to prevent horrible events before they actually happen.




  • YourOnlyOne

    Lovely, touching, and memorable

    What a lovely, touching, and memorable series!

    I. Story a. Episode stories: Some of the episode stories were good but there were those which were great. Out of the total 16 episodes, there are 5 anyone would watch repeatedly. The "legal" aspect were good, the comedy were very funny, and the relationship between characters were what anyone can relate to.

    b. Series story: The overall story of the show was neatly written and realistic. It isn't your typical boy-meets-girl-and-they-lived-happily-ever-after which are usually boring and only for the "giggles" factor. While You Were Sleeping have the dynamics and challenges usually experienced by two strangers, turned friends, and st...

    February 2, 2021


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