The West Wing

  • Drama

Right place. Right time. Right man.

The West Wing provides a glimpse into presidential politics in the nation's capital as it tells the stories of the members of a fictional presidential administration. These interesting characters have humor and dedication that touches the heart while the politics that they discuss touch on everyday life.




  • tmdb40011370

    Without a shadow of a doubt, THE finest political TV drama ever to come out of a studio!

    Despite its rather liberal happy-clappy perspective with most of its secondary storylines, TWW is exceptionally well-written and very rarely fails to deliver some rather thought-provoking episodes.

    I have had many boxset marathons with this show over the years, and I must admit my adulation for certain seasons has changed somewhat in that time. Back then I adored the first 4 seasons, while dismissing season 5 outright, and only having a grudging respect for seasons 6 & 7. But these days I much prefer 6&7 over 1, 3 and 4. No idea why but there you go!

    As for the acting, well other than Martin Sheen, Rob Lowe and John Spencer the first few seaso...

    November 21, 2019
  • narrator56

    If every program on TV was this good I'd never leave the house.

    I have to agree with the reviewers who call this the best drama show ever, at least for entertainment value. Of course, it gets panned often for political reasons by people who perhaps don't watch it enough to see that, yes, it is a liberal administration being represented here, but they often make mistakes and fail in their efforts, so it is hardly a progressive utopia.

    I write novels in my spare tome, and I like to think my dialogue is a strong point, so I have nothing but admiration for the fast and witty conversations in this show. You may literally have to watch the series a second time to catch everything thrown at you in their quick back and forth banter, often de...

    April 5, 2020
  • Geronimo1967

    The first edition, indeed season, of this political drama is as good as it gets. Aaron Sorkin has created a monster - in just about every sense - and the cast led by Martin Sheen ("President Bartlet") consistently deliver well as the senior advisors in his administration - alongside some sadly infrequent appearances from his no-nonsense wife (Stockard Channing) - guide us through the daily trials and tribulations accompanying American government. For the most part, the pace is hectic, controlled (sometimes) by the calming, sagacious influence of his Chief of Staff "Leo" (John Spencer) and deals with just about every sort of scenario - domestic, foreign, familial and collegiate that comes across the paths of the Director of Communications (R...

    February 23, 2022
  • Horseface

    Pepa the Pig for Adult Liberals. Or maybe, "Mickey Mouse Takes Office." I can't decide.

    Perhaps I'm hyper sensitive, having been what equates to an American liberal for most of my life (I'm Danish, and here being liberal puts you on the right, but I've been a lefty for more than forty years), but trying to watch this show instantly fatigues me. Not because of the acting, which is above average, the dialog, which is well-written if overly verbose, not even the stories, which seem implausible but entertaining, and this IS fiction, so you need to allow for unrealistic and entertaining things happening 24/7. Otherwise it'd get boring.

    No, what drains my energy is the way it treats me as a mental toddler. It's the way the resentment for pe...

    July 5, 2022


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