Love From Today

  • Drama
  • Family
  • Romance


A drama about a woman who finally becomes a part of a family after re-adoption and man who chooses love over family.




    • ParkMin

      Amongst the worst, truly! Right from the end of the first episode, it was evident that its fate was sealed and the clock started ticking towards its inevitable demise. This is a complete package of pure manufactured junk, offering no redeeming qualities whatsoever. A waste of carbon emissions as well. At a certain point, it became impossible to pick itself up from the hole it dug. The storyline was utterly unappealing, lacking any semblance of creativity or intrigue. The script itself was shoddily constructed, replete with contradictions and nonsensical elements. Every single plotline ended up being underdeveloped. The characterization was equally inadequate, with every single character exhibiting pitiful and distasteful traits. The relatio...

      June 2, 2023
