The Man in the High Castle

  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Drama

Freedom is under control.

Explore what it would be like if the Allied Powers had lost WWII, and Japan and Germany ruled the United States. Based on Philip K. Dick's award-winning novel.




  • MGenth

    How appellant the idea of a multiverse where the wavefunction collapse doesn't turn realities unreachable from the other quantum fluctuation results, in brief terms, referring to the "Many Worlds Theory" or the different view of Laura Mersini-Houghton. So the gods want, personna dream. As if the kraft happens, the series goes beyond the original work, admiringly well. The details, scenarios, characters. As a youngster I read mostly the twisted Philip K. Dick stories, those with bugs... Who knows how many, forty years ago? Not me.Heinlein or Le Guin, The Stars My Destination, the Heechee saga, Dorsai, even "old style space operas" by EE Doc Smith, Clifford Simak, to name a few, seemed to leave a clearer picture than Philip K. Dick which one ...

    June 22, 2019
  • tmdb32847728

    One of the best TV dramas in recent memory

    <b>First, a disclaimer:</b> I've not read Dicks' original version of <i>The Man in the High Castle</i>, nor do I intend to read it. I am judging the show entirely on its own merits, without any influence or critiquing related to the novel.

    On to the review!

    I'm going to keep this short and simple, so you don't have to read a shit-ton of stuff and so that I don't write any spoilers. Here's what you need to know:

    As a sci-fi story, <i>The Man in the High Castle</i> falls a bit short. The showrunners tried to wrap up the sci-fi bit at the end, but they did a pretty piss-poor job. Budget cuts? Rushed delivery? Who knows? Fortunately, the sci-fi aspect of this story isn't actually what ma...

    November 18, 2019
  • GenerationofSwine

    So, the problem that we are facing with this is that the episodes exceed the story. It's the same problem that a LOT of television shows on streaming services suffer from. They have a few too many episodes for the story they are telling in the season.

    About 8 episodes per season and about 5 episodes of actual story. The result is so much filler that it seems to drag and not really accomplish anything of value.

    However, the story is interesting, as is the world that it is set in. Unlike A Handmaiden's Tale, or really, a lot of other shows, it doesn't feel like you are being lectured to.

    But it does feel like it dragged. All they needed to do was lesson the amount of episodes to fit the story, or add a subplot or two more and it woul...

    January 12, 2023
  • DracoLabs

    "The Man in the High Castle" is a thought-provoking and mesmerizing series that explores an alternate history where the Axis Powers emerged victorious in World War II. With its impeccable storytelling, compelling characters, and meticulous attention to detail, this show stands as a true gem in the world of television.

    The series is a masterclass in world-building, taking viewers on a captivating journey through a dystopian America divided between the Greater Nazi Reich and the Japanese Pacific States. The painstakingly crafted sets, costumes, and props transport you into this chilling alternate reality, immersing you in a world where totalitarianism reigns supreme.

    What truly sets "The Man in the High Castle" apart is its ability to d...

    September 1, 2023


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