Gilmore Girls

  • Comedy
  • Drama

Life's short. Talk fast.

Set in the charming town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, the series follows the captivating lives of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, a mother/daughter pair who have a relationship most people only dream of.




  • narrator56

    This is a good show. My wife watched the entire set of series without me as it seemed we already had a lot to watch together. She enjoyed it and at some point I decided to watch it and she elected to watch it again with me.

    It is very witty and intelligent and, if you dont mind every episode using the same wit and rapid fire word association and social references on and on, it is great fun. Once in a while they take it a bit too far and a character who has not shown great wit and humor comes out with a jewel. I can understand the writers wouldnt want to waste the line.

    They have two Sam and Diane characters (Lorelai and Luke) as a will they or wont they romance you know, from the tv show Cheers where they bend every script to bring ...

    May 23, 2021
  • Arcanum101

    I'm a bloke, so I shouldn't like this kind of girl's stuff. WRONG! I'm proud to admit I love this stuff. From first watching it when it was originally aired right up to today when I still watch reruns on DVD. The scrips are sassy and quick-paced, the people populating the town of Stars Hollow are a treat and Lauren Graham is mesmerising to watch as Lorelai Gilmore.

    May 12, 2023


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