
  • Comedy


Richie Richard (socially awkward, sexually inexperienced) and Eddie Hitler (carefree alcoholic ) are two social outcasts living on the dole. Trapped together in a squalid flat in Hammersmith, London they are perpetually skint, bored and sexually frustrated. They spend their days scheming, bickering, and being nasty and sadistic to each other.




  • timinaus

    Rik Mayall and Ade Edmonson first teamed up as 20th Century Coyote at the fledgling Comedy Store in 1980. Having established themselves as a duo they were blended in to the TV show The Young Ones (part written by Mayall along with Lise Mayer and Ben Elton). Rik as the annoying sociology student Rik and Ade as medical nutcase Vyvyan. This led to a partial spin off, Filthy Rich and Catflap written by Elton. The pair's characters were beginning to take shape with Richie as the hopeless out of work actor Richie Rich and Ade as his minder Eddie Catflap.

    Next the pair took control, writing "Bottom" where the characters had progressed to unemployed/unemployable, late thirtysomethings Richie and Eddie (Hitler) living in a shabby London apartment...

    August 19, 2023


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