Once Upon a Time

  • Drama
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Magic is coming.

There is a town in Maine where every story book character you've ever known is trapped between two worlds, victims of a powerful curse. Only one knows the truth and only one can break the spell. Emma Swan is a 28-year-old bail bonds collector who has been supporting herself since she was abandoned as a baby. Things change for her when her son Henry, whom she abandoned years ago, finds her and asks for her help explaining that she is from a different world where she is Snow White's missing daughter.




  • Oldnewbie

    A superb series finale but...

    It is not! Truly this would have been the end the show deserved had this been the final episode.

    Apparently it was written as such until the show was renewed BUT with most of the cast moving on contractually already! Yes, a wrap around\ tag on scene\tale opens the show up to an all new reset of the beginning, only with a now adult Henry being approached by his unknown to him daughter (about the same age Henry was when he found Emma in ep 1 season 1)! She says he must go with her cause "his family needs him". Sound familiar? It would seem Henry, like Emma in that ep, is clueless and so another forgetting spell was cast. Or whatever!

    For those who do not know, the next season will no longer have the foll...

    May 19, 2017
  • GenerationofSwine

    This SHOULD have been Fables shouldn't it? Or at least it should have been more like Fables, it should have at least ripped the plot off that Bill Willingham gem a little more than it did.

    But I think this was Disney related and Warner Brothers own the rights to all things DC. So legally I think they were forced to make something vastly different.

    The thing is that it looked like they were going for a Fables story, and because of that some obvious plot threads kind of dropped off in the 1st season when it looked like they were getting too close to the comic for litigious safety

    And then it kind of tapered off tangentially before catching it's footing halfway through and falling apart at the end because it ran too long

    January 12, 2023
  • misubisu

    I didn't get to the end of season 1 before I lost interest. It starts of somewhat intriguing, and pulls you in... but it takes so long for things to happen that it just becomes a chore to watch. Might give it another go some day... or may not.

    June 29, 2024


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