Clone High

  • Animation
  • Comedy


A group of high-school teens are the products of government employees' secret experiment. They are the genetic clones of famous historical figures who have been dug up, re-created anew. Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, JFK, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln and more are juxtaposed as teenagers dealing with teen issues in the 20th century.




  • emnel

    Ghandi achieves a lot in this show, just not in the way you would expect.

    He becomes a international rap sensation after rapping "G Spot rock the G spot, G spot rock the G spot / What's my name? G SPOT!" over G-Funk beats. He Develops TWO addictions to an energy drink that goes by the name of "X-Stream Blu" and -errr- smoking raisins, the latter resulting in a trip through his sub conscience with a hummingbird-unicorn-donkey creature. He's diagnosed with ADD. He becomes a trucker, kidnaps a mascot, it goes on and on.

    G Spot Rocks The G Spot. Damn that song is catchy.

    None of his adventures are what you would expect, however, there is no hunger strikes, no talks of peace, no Indian accent in earshot. That is what makes Clon...

    June 9, 2017


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