Power Rangers

  • Action & Adventure
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Kids




  • Peter89Spencer

    A childhood classic!

    June 26, 2021
  • tsdenizen

    Rating and reviewing Power Rangers as a whole is such a bizarre prospect. Casts and plotlines change nearly every year, property ownership has been inconsistent, and there are even a few different timelines at this point. Quality between seasons thus varies wildly and even beyond that, it exist as an "adaptation" of the popular Japanese series Super Sentai. Do we examine the quality of each season in a vacuum? If so, Time Force is one of the strongest seasons, but then again, it's so similar to the slightly superior Timeranger that maybe something like Lost Galaxy is more valuable.

    Do we judge quality overall, even when seasons can be easily ignored? If so, Power Rangers is pretty bad. But then again, so is The Simpsons. The Neo-Saban er...

    August 25, 2023


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