Alone Australia

  • Reality


Ten Australians are dropped off alone in separate areas of the Tasmanian wilderness where they must deal with the forces of nature, hunger, and loneliness.



  • Horseface

    Also known as Morbidly Obese Woman Wins Starvation Games.

    This is even worse than the version in my country. Bunch of wimpy losers selected for their "diversity" attributes whine, weep, and go home, expect for three, of which the fattest one gets to win as the moronic "medical team" force the only one there for his merits, out.

    When three contestants are out before the 48-hour mark, you know your casting team is garbage, and probably themselves "diversity" hires.

    Watch the American one, not this woke bullshit. It's actually brilliant.

    August 2, 2024


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